I introduce you my cherished creation:

This book is the realisation of a dream I had since long: an harmonious fusion of my paintings with my words, the two elements inspiring and serving as muse to each other,

resonating with the reader/viewer emotions.

I carefully composed the images, evocative of stories, memories, inner journeys.

The words have been choosen to complete the rythm and momentum of the page, the intention is to touch the depth of us, to give sparks to feelings.

Once the paitnings were accomplished I carefully wrote the text by hand on transparent paper and then by computer overimposed the two, achieving a harmony that graces each page, and so, ready to be processed for the printing which was done in Turin, Italy.

Every single detail, from each stroke of brush, the combination of text and image, choice of words, has been cared with a lot of mindfulness, affection and love.

It is a project that has accompained me during a couple of difficult and lonely years, but now, looking back, I truly appriciate those times as it gave fruit to this book/jewel that is of great importance to me.

I have printed limetd copies, which are available for sale.

Book cover
...first page...
her voice calls me
a moment
the echo
like a jewel
like a jewej text
sometimes i feel
sometimes i feel text
Blue like midnight by Ughetta


Blue like midnight by Ughetta


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